Nursery Daily Learning 17/07/20

Happy Friday everyone!

Today is the last day of the school year- the next time we see you will be when you are all grown up in Reception!

This is not the year we planned but we want to thank all the children and their families for being supportive with learning from home- it is by no means an easy task!

Over the summer holiday we will not be providing packs / online learning- the children need a well deserved break and some family time before we start the next school year.

If you need any support during the summer break please get in touch via the school email

We can’t wait to see you again soon. Take care and stay safe everyone! 🙂


Let’s get thinking:

Let’s get moving:


The learning this week will be tailored to the activities provided in your home learning pack.



  • Over the holidays use the ‘Phase 2 Phonics Activities PowerPoint’ to prepare for Reception

Phase 2 Phonics Activities PowerPoint



  • Complete the ‘Colour, Trace, and Connect’ worksheet



  • Continue the ‘People Who Help Us’ Talk for Writing pack

REMEMBER: This pack is to be completed over a 3 week period. Each day we will post what page/s we would like you to complete or you can refer to the contents page in the booklet.

Today is Week 3: Day 15

  • Complete pages 31 and 32 (Reflection)


Wider Curriculum:

  • Practise writing your name using the ‘Superhero Name Writing’ sheet.


Have a great day of learning. If you have any questions please post a comment and we will get back to you.

Happy Holidays!

The Nursery Team 🙂

Phone: 0161 2246829
50 Hamilton Road,
Manchester, M13 0PE
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