We are preparing for Spanish Day this week!

On Wednesday 13th October the children will celebrate Spanish Day. The children in the Nursery will make Spanish flags, learn to count to 5 in Spanish and use Spanish greetings such as ‘Hola!’ As we will be looking at colours this week, the children will be introduced to a song that will help them link colours to their Spanish names. As many of the children in the Nursery already speak two languages, it will be exciting to expand or vocabulary even further with another language.

In the rest of school, all year groups will be involved in different workshops based on Spain and will perform for the rest of the school a performance showcasing what they had learnt in a special afternoon assembly.

If you have any Spanish items that you would like your child to share with the children in the Nursery, please see Nursery Staff as soon as possible.


Many thanks

The Nursery Team



Phone: 0161 2246829
50 Hamilton Road,
Manchester, M13 0PE
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