Fantastic Work Alert!

Check out all the fantastic work the Reception children have been doing at home. Thank you to all the adults for your continued support!

A special thank you to Sam and Ummamah for sharing your brilliant work with us!

Well done Sam!

Sam’s mum said ” Sam is fascinated by the idea of exponential growth because the numbers get so big so quickly. We’ve been practising writing and reading words with new sounds (like th and oa) and more than one syllable by playing games. He’s also been writing in foam, learning division and he is enjoying the new space theme as it’s one of his favourite topics!

Well done Ummamah!

Ummamah has been doing some fantastic writing and practising letter formation.  Ummamah has also been learning number bonds to ten, problem solving with subtraction and addition word problems and using her phonic knowledge to read words and write words.

Keep up the brilliant work!

Thank you to all the adults for sending all the amazing work that the children are doing.

Well done to all the children for working so hard at home.

It is lovely to see the children’s work, so please keep sending us photographs of your work to:

Phone: 0161 2246829
50 Hamilton Road,
Manchester, M13 0PE
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