Fantastic Work Alert!

Check out all the fantastic work Reception children have been doing at home. Thank you to all the adults for their continued support!

A special thank you to Faris, Yousaf, Zarah and Zainab for sharing your brilliant work with us!

Well done Faris!

Faris has been working really hard on his handwriting.











Keep up the amazing work!

Well Done Yousaf!

Yousaf has been working really hard on his Literacy and Maths. He has also been using his phonics skills to complete the phonics activity sheets.

Keep up the brilliant work!

Well Done Zarah!

Zarah has really enjoyed working through the worksheets and she has done a fantastic job. She has also been super creative, using different materials to make her own creations.

Keep up the fabulous work!

Well done Zainab!

Zainab has been working extremely hard. She has been very busy completing the worksheets and has been practising her handwriting, Maths, Phonics and Literacy! Wow!

Keep up the super work!

Thank you to all the adults for sending all the amazing work that the children are doing.Well done to all the children for working so hard at home.

It is lovely to see the children’s work, so please keep sending us your work to:


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Manchester, M13 0PE
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