Reception Home Learning: Wednesday 25th March 2020

Hello Reception!

Day 3 of home learning and it’s Wednesday  – the day that Mrs Smith finds difficult to spell !

Can you say the days of the week ? Can you say them in order ?


Wake up, shake up.

Choose one of these or make up your own:

Shake your sillies out

Move and Freeze

Just Dance Power


Daily Maths Meeting

Wobbling soldiers is one of our favourite warm up songs – click on the play button below and join in !

Our number of the week is 19.

Can you clap, stomp, jump, touch your nose and hop 19 times ?

Say the numbers from 1 to 20 and then backwards from 20-0.

Can you count the windows, doors and lights in your house?  Are there fewer windows, doors or lights?

Look at these number lines; can you say what the missing numbers are ?

Write the numbers from 1 to 10, then from 11 to 20 in your work book.



For phonics we will be looking at blending sounds to read words and syllables.

Watch the video below:

Play this game:

and read this list of cvc words:







Can you find objects to match or draw them in your work book ?

Here’s the syllable song: When you’ve listened to it, can you clap your name and count the syllables. Can you say other people’s names, clap and count the syllables too ?


Reading: Keep reading your books, little and often. You can read a free ebook at;

or listen to a story at

For a bedtime story you could have a look at Oliver Jeffers website – Link below !


Note to parents:

Please feel free to share any activities you are doing with your children at home and if you have any questions, we will be happy to reply in the comments section below.

Thank you, stay safe and keep in touch 🙂

Mrs Chowdhury, Mrs McCutcheon and Mrs Smith

Phone: 0161 2246829
50 Hamilton Road,
Manchester, M13 0PE
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