Key Stage 2 Achievement Assembly 6. 2. 2017


Year 6

Ali J – working hard to develop his writing

Ayoub E- for being supportive and helpful towards his partner in Gymnastics and challenging his level of performance ‘Pushing the boundaries’

Haider A  – For writing a superb persuasive speech in the role of an MP. A well thought speech with depth of knowledge and careful word choices.

Mohammed R-Really thinking hard in Maths, challenging and pushing himself to achieve.

Year 5T

Minahil-For excellent calculation skills! Minahil is showing fantastic ‘mastery’ of calculations in her maths, solving missing calculation problems in minutes.

Motahir-For fantastic attitude towards his work and excellent contributions in class discussions.

Year 5C

Saman P-  For expressing her opinon about her favourite colour using excellent persuasive language.

Riyad A- The Year 5 Team wanted to thank him for his wonderful personality and fantastic manners.

Year 4T

Tahmida- For her fantastic support that she gave to others at swimming. Her teachers think she is a lovely person who is always so lovely to everyone at school too.

Hamzah A- For working hard in his comprehension last week and gaining full marks.

Year 4C

Shahid- For fantastic effort with his reading all week!

Amyma- For superb effort in maths all week!

Year 3C

Numaan V- For working hard all week!

Bushra- For always doing the right thing and setting a good example for her peers!


Well done to all of the children who won an award this week!

We are very proud of all of  our awesome children at St Agnes’!


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