This week in year 6 we have been learning about the components of blood. Using a strange set of equipment, we made a model of blood! It looked like this:

The red blood cells, which carry oxygen, were represented by Cheerios.

White blood cells, which fight infection, were represented by marshmallows.

Plasma, which carries everything in the blood around the body, was made using a yellow liquid.

Platelets, which help your blood to clot and wounds to heal, were made using oats.

We used little green beads to represent the sugar, salt, protein and hormones.

We wrote about blood in our science books. Having our models really helped us to remember what each part was and what function it performs. It was also lots of fun to make!

Laiba, in 5C went the extra mile and did an extra piece of homework following the lesson.

On Thursday we had more fun science with the visit of our mad science professor, Lightning Lawrence. He showed us lots of amazing things, like making a human ‘wire’ to carry electricity and creating a huge glow stick!

If you’d like to do some more science, you can join one of our Mad Science clubs starting soon. Look out for the letters coming out next week.

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