Mr Johnson’s group – Friday 8th May

Good morning my group!

How are you?

We’ve got lots of exciting learning today – so let’s get going!



Here is your Learning to Blend lesson for today. You will need your pencil and your workbook. Enjoy!


Phase 3

To warm you up, let’s play flash cards, speed trial

First of all go onto Phonics play (link below) and log on using the free login details provided on the home screen.

Then follow the link below and choose phase 2.


And let’s try some tricky word trucks:

Make sure you’re still logged on to Phonics Play and follow the link below. You can try Phase 2 and Phase 3!


Mystery digraph 

Today, we’re going to look back over some of the digraphs we have learnt over the past few weeks.

All of the following words contain a mystery digraph. Can you work out what it is?

shock   rock     kick    tick



That’s right – it’s ck.


Below are some words containing the following digraphs: qu, ch, sh, th and ng.

Can you read the words in one chain and tell your grown up which digraph is in every word?

Can you find the mystery digraph for each chain?





Can you choose one word from each chain and have a go at spelling it in your workbook without looking at the word?

Let me know how you did with the spelling in the comments! I’d love to hear from you!



Today, we are going to compare the numbers from 11 – 20.


Here are two pictures. Each one represents a number. Which one is worth more?   

Count how many circles are in the 10 frames. Is your number more than 11 or less than 11?


Yes – 13 is more than 11.


Next one:

Which one is worth less?



Count how many fingers there are. Then, count how many dots are on the dice. Which number is worth less?


Yes – 15 is less than 16.



Now it’s your turn. Can you write your answers in your workbook?



Which one is worth more?




Which one is worth more?




Which one is worth more?





Which one is worth less?




Which one is worth less?



Which one is worth less?



A story to finish with:

I hope you enjoyed today’s learning!

Now that you’ve completed your maths and English learning, you can find some brilliant topic lessons in the Year 1 section (or Year 2 section if you are in Year 2).

These will be labelled as science, geography, history, art, PSHE, computing, design technology (DT), physical education (PE), music or religious education (RE).


Stay safe and keep smiling!

Mr Johnson

Phone: 0161 2246829
50 Hamilton Road,
Manchester, M13 0PE
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