Year 1 Home Learning Activities – Wednesday 20th May

Year 1 Home Learning Activities – Wednesday 20th May

Good morning Year One. It is the middle of the week already. Do you know which day is in the middle of our school week? We hope that you are enjoying the activities. Keep sharing your fantastic answers with us in the comments box below or email us your work at so that we can share it with your friends.

Let’s go!


Follow the link below to start your with Joe Wicks



In your home learning book write today’s date

Wednesday 20th May 2020

Draw a face to show how you are feeling today.

What’s the weather like today? Draw a picture to show the weather.



Today we are going to practice the Phase 5 sound oy.

Find the page for oy on the Phonics section of Espresso. Watch the video and then complete the reading and sorting graphemes activities.

Read the questions below and write the answers in your home learning book. Read the oy words to somebody in your family.

Click on the link below and play Odd and Bob. Click on oy and feed the aliens!

Can you pick two of your favourite oy words and use them both in the same sentence? Share your sentence with us in the comments box below.



Today we are going to be looking at making equal groups by sharing.

When we are sharing, each person or group should have the same amount.

Use the link below to watch the video for Year 1 – Summer Term Week 1 – Lesson 3.

Complete the flashback questions first by saying the answers and then watch the rest about how to make equal groups by sharing.

Here is another video to help you before we get started.

Can you get three plates and 12 grains of rice? Can you share the grains of rice equally between the 3 plates by placing one grain of rice at a time on each plate? How many grains of rice are there on one plate? Is there the same amount on each plate? Remember there should be the same amount on each as we are making equal groups.

You have made 3 equal groups of _________

Have another go –

This time use 2 of the plates and have 6 grains of rice. Share the rice equally between the two plates by placing one grain of rice on each plate at time. How many grains of rice are there on one plate? Is there the same amount on each plate?

You have made 2 equal groups of __________

Share your answers in the comments box below?

Write the short date in your home learning book. 20.05.20

Complete the questions on the link below.

Make equal groups – sharing



Over this half term you have learnt all about the history of space flight.

You have learnt about animals being sent to space before humans. You have also learnt about three amazing astronauts – Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake. Can you remember what each of them were famous for?

Today you are going to be placing all of the events you have learnt about on a timeline. Remember a timeline is a line that represents a period of time in history. The events on a timeline have to be placed in chronological order. This means they need to be in the order of which they happened – so you would place the event with the earliest date first all the way up to the last event with the most recent date.

Turn your  home learning book so it is horizontal. Can you write the title ‘History of space flight’ at the top of the page.

In the middle of the page can you draw a horizontal line. This will be your timeline. You can use any colour you like.

Can you write these events in chronological order on the timeline. Remember what chronological means. Look carefully at the dates at the side of each event. Read them all first before you begin to write them on the timeline. Which one would come first?

Neil Armstrong lands on the moon, 1969

Albert the monkey is sent to space, 1949

Flies are sent to space, 1947

Yuri Gagarin is the first man in space, 1961

Tim Peake is the first British astronaut in space, 2015


Once you have ordered these events, we are going to compare Yuri Gagarin and Neil Armstrong. Remember when we compare we look at what is the same and what is different.

Watch the videos below to remind yourselves about each astronaut. Once you have done that, can you think of two things that are the same between Yuri Gagarin and Neil Armstrong? Then can you think of two things that are different? Share your answers with us in the comments box below.


A story to end with…

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