Year 1 Home Learning Activities – Wednesday 6th May

Year 1 Home Learning Activities – Wednesday 6th May

Good morning everyone. It’s Wednesday which means it is already the middle of our school week. We hope that you and your families are doing well. Before we start, what are you thankful for today? I am thankful that the sun is shining as this always makes me feel happy. You can share what you are thankful for in the comments box below if you would like.

Right let’s get started with today’s activities.


Let’s hope that Joe’s hand gets better soon.



In your home learning book write today’s date

Wednesday 6th May 2020

Draw a face to show how you are feeling today.

What’s the weather like today? Draw a picture to show the weather.



Today we are going to be looking at the split digraph o-e.

Use the link below to see the split digraph o-e in words. Can you read them too?

How else can we spell o-e? Think back to Phase 3 and earlier in Phase 5.

Find the page for o-e on Espresso in the Phonics section.

Can you complete the reading and sorting grapheme activity?

Share your favourite o-e word with us in the comments box below. Can you put in a sentence?



Today we are going to be making equal groups!

Remember that equal means the same.

Here is a video to see what you are going to be doing.

Using your choice of item – Lego bricks, buttons, grains of rice, pieces of cereal etc. You will need 20 of these.

Can you practise making:

3 equal groups of 2.

4 equal groups of 5.

2 equal groups of 10.

Use the link below to watch a short video about the lesson. It is the video on year 1 – week 2 – lesson 3.

In your home learning book, write the short date.


Complete the activities on the link below by writing the answers in your home learning book

Make equal groups

Can you share some answers with us in the comments box below?

There were ______ equal groups of _______ pencils. 

There were ______ equal groups of _______ cookies. 



Today we are going to be learning about another famous astronaut. Can you remember the name of the astronaut we looked at in the last History activity?

The famous astronaut you are going to look at is Neil Armstrong. Neil Armstrong was a part of a team of astronauts who were the first to land on the moon. Watch the video below to find out more about Neil Armstrong.

Using the facts from the video can you answer the questions below? You can tell your adult the answers or write them in your home learning book.

  1. What year was Neil Armstrong born?
  2. What state in America was he born in?
  3. What is Neil Armstrong famous for?
  4. What year did he go to the Moon?
  5. What was the name of the space craft he went to the Moon in?
  6. How many other astronauts did he go to the Moon with and can you name one or all of them? 
  7. What did he say when he stepped onto the Moon? 
  8. When did Neil Armstrong die? 

Once you have completed the questions, it is time for you to become Neil Armstrong. Watch the video below of the moon landing. Look carefully as you are going to act it out.

Can you make an American flag? You could make a space helmet too. See the pictures below for ideas on how to make them.

Astronaut Photo Craft for Kids | Space preschool, Space crafts for ...Flag of the United States - Wikipedia

  Helmet                               American Flag


Using your props, act out the first Moon landing.

Think about how you would move in space. How would Neil Armstrong have felt? What would he have seen?

Can you remember what he said when he stepped onto the Moon? Say it out loud!


A story to end with…


A little extra practise if you would like…

Some more 0-e words for you to have a look at.

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