Year 1 Home Learning – Monday 8th June

Year 1 Home Learning – Monday 8th June

Good morning Year One! We hope that you had a great weekend. Today a new home learning pack full of this week’s activities can be picked up by your parents, from school.

Let’s get started with today’s activities!



Follow the link below to start your day with Joe Wicks



In your home learning book write today’s date

Monday 8th June 2020

Draw a face to show how you are feeling today.

What’s the weather like today? Draw a picture to show the weather. It’s a little bit grey out there isn’t it!



Today we are going to practice the Phase 5 sound ew. Go onto Espresso and re-watch the ew video.

Read the questions below and write the answers in your home learning book. Read the ew words to somebody in your family. You will notice that in some of the words the ew makes an oo sound (like in the video) but in some it makes a you sound. Can you spot the difference when you say the words?

Click on the link below to play Forest Phonics. Click the arrow on the right then click on ew. Spell the words correctly and watch a silly video! Again, in some of the words ew makes an oo sound and in others it makes a yoo sound.



Now that you have revisited your number bonds to 10 and to 20, you are going to use that knowledge to help you see the relationship between addition and subtraction.

Let’s look at the bar model below. A bar model is just like a part-whole mode. The longest bar would be the whole and the two short ones underneath are the parts. Using this we can create 2 addition calculations and 2 subtractions. We can then change the calculations and represent them in a different way so that altogether you create 8 calculations using these 3 numbers.

When finding the addition calculations remember the biggest number (the whole) will be the answer. When finding the subtraction calculations, the biggest number (the whole) will always be the first number you write down as you always subtract from the biggest number.

See if you can find the two addition calculations and 2 subtractions. Tell your adult them.

Did you get:

11 + 7 = 18

7 + 11 = 18

18 – 7 = 11

18 – 11 = 7

We can then represent these calculations in a different way by moving the equals symbol. When you move the equals symbol you always take the answer with it.

11 + 7 = 18 is the same as 18 = 11 + 7

7 + 11 = 18 is the same as 18 = 7 + 11

18 – 7 = 11 is the same as 11 = 18 – 7

18 – 11 = 7 is the same as 7 = 18 – 11

So for the 3 numbers on the bar model above you will get all of the following calculations:

11 + 7 = 18

7 + 11 = 18

18 = 11 + 7

18 = 7 + 11

18 – 7 = 11

18 – 11 = 7

11 = 18 – 7

7 = 18 – 11

Use the link below for some more activities on fact families.

Visit the link below and find the lesson Summer term – Week 3 (w/c 4th May) – Lesson 2

Watch the video.

Find and complete the sheet labelled Related facts in your home learning pack


Write the short date in your home learning book and complete the activities on the link below by writing the answers in your book.

Fact families – linking addition and subtraction

Can you share your answers with us for question 2b?

What two addition and 2 subtraction calculations did you get?



In the last Art activity, you drew around the shadows of toy animals to begin looking at the shape of them. Today we are going to look at the shapes we see when looking at animals, to make it easier to draw them. We are also going to be looking at different types of lines that we can use when drawing animals. Can you remember what different types of lines there are? I can think of straight lines. What can you think of?

So to begin with let’s have a go at drawing animals, step by step, using different shapes. Choose from one of the videos below and draw along in your home learning book.

Draw a parrot –

Draw a lion –

Draw a sea turtle –

Which animal did you choose to draw? What shapes did you draw? Are there animals you would like to learn to draw? Share your comments below.

We would love to see your drawings! Email them to


A story to end with…

Bees are amazing!

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Manchester, M13 0PE
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