Year 1 – Home Learning Thursday 25th June

Year 1 – Home Learning Thursday 25th June

Good morning Year 1. If the weather is good this afternoon I am going to go for a walk in my local park. Have you been anywhere for a walk this week? Are you ready for today’s activities?

Let’s go…



Get moving!




In your home learning book write today’s date

Thursday 25th June 2020

Draw a face to show how you are feeling today.

What’s the weather like today? Draw a picture to show the weather.




Today we are going to practice the Phase 3 sound igh. Go onto Espresso, Polly’s Phonics and watch the video for igh.

Read the questions below and write the answers in your home learning book. Read the igh words to somebody in your family. Can you remember the other ways to represent igh?

Click on the link below to play Forest Phonics. Click the arrow on the right then click on igh. Spell the words correctly and watch a silly video!




Today we are going to be making equal groups by grouping.

Can you remember what we mean by equal groups?

How did we make equal groups yesterday?


Visit the link below and find the lesson Summer term – Week 8 (w/c 15th June) – Lesson 4.

Watch the video.

Find and complete the sheet labelled ‘Make Equal Groups’ – grouping in your home learning pack


Write the short date in your home learning book and complete the activities on the link below by writing the answers in your book.

Lesson 4 Make equal groups – grouping 2020

Can you share your answers for question 4 with us?

If I had 30 counters, how many equal groups of 2 could I make?

How many equal groups of 5 could I make?




Read the information and answer the questions below in your home learning book. If you need help, ask a family member to read it with you.



1) Foxes are only a little bit bigger than what animal?

2) What do foxes like to do during the day?

3) What two things do foxes do with mice?

4) Name two things that a fox might eat.

5) How do foxes make their dens?

6) What does nocturnal mean?

7) Why do you think most foxes choose to live in the countryside?




We are learning that animals can be put into different groups because they have features that are the same as each other.

These groups are called:

Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish and Birds

Can you remember which group we learned about last week? That’s correct – it was reptiles. Can you tell somebody in your family a fact you can remember about reptiles?

This week we are going to learn about amphibians.

Click on the link below to see what features amphibians have.



Go onto Espresso, KS1, Science, Animals, Videos – watch the video called Amphibians

Still on Espresso, go onto Images – click on Amphibians (gallery) to see pictures of lots of animals that are amphibians.

Click on the link below to learn some more about amphibians. Watch the video, play the game and take the quiz. Be careful when you play the game – one of the animals is not what you might think it is!!!!


In your home learning book write the title Amphibians at the top of an empty page. Using what you have learned, you are going to make a fact file about amphibians. Write down at least 2 things that amphibians have in common. Draw and label at least 2 animals that are amphibians. What do amphibians do in the Winter? Why do they do that? Include any other interesting facts you have learned about amphibians.

Click on the link below to see another amphibian. Do you know what it is? Can you label its body parts? Write the numbers 1 to 6 in your home learning book and write the correct body part next to each number using the word bank at the top.

labelling body parts

If you email your fact file to we can put it on the website to share with your friends.




Watch the Espresso video for how to write t. Can you remember which letter family t belongs to?

Practise with your magic pencil in the air. Ask someone in your family to put a little bit of flour, salt or sugar (any powder will do) on a plate and practise making t in it.

Now practise writing t on the sheet in LAST HALF TERM’S home learning pack. This letter is an ascender so it has a long neck that starts above the grey line.

Can you remember which letters are in the Curly Caterpillar family?

Click on the link below and watch the video to remind you how to form them. Do Activity 1



Story Time

Why do hyenas have short back legs?

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