Home learning Year 3 25.03.20 :)

Good morning!

“Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.” – Lemony Snicket

Let’s make ours a great day!!!


Home learning 25.03.20 Maths

Arithmetic home learning 25.03.20



English home learning 25.03.20 inverted commas

English home learning 25.03.20


Remember to get up and have a go at the Joe Wicks workout so you are keeping yourself active.

Keep logging into Times Table Rock Stars and practice in the garage mode. I have set the time tables that you all need to practice and this has been done for both 3C and 3T. The more you play the better you become!

In class, we have been enjoying watching and listening to stories. Every day, David Walliams, who is the author of books such as: Fing, Gangsta Granny etc, is posting a free audio book on his website at 11 o’ clock for the next 30 days. Why not check it out and enjoy a well-known author reading aloud to you. I will post his website below.

Elevenses with The World of David Walliams

Remember if you need any help with the home learning then please post a message and myself or Miss Ryan will get back to you as soon as we can!

When you finish your home learning then why not help your grown-ups around the house. I’m sure they will appreciate it very much!! 🙂


Miss you all. Take care!

Mr McDowell and Miss Ryan 🙂

Phone: 0161 2246829
50 Hamilton Road,
Manchester, M13 0PE
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