Thursday 7th May. Home Learning Year 3! :-)


Good morning Year 3. We hope you are well.

Today’s home learning is as follows:

Maths – Week 2 lesson 4 (Fractions of a set of objects)

English – Reading lesson: Dindy and the Elephant 

Yesterday in Science, we learnt about ‘Water Transportation’. Today, we are going to use our understanding of how water transports around the plant by creating our own experiment. If you have the equipment at home, then please try the experiment with your family.

Question – Can we change the colour of flowers?

Before we set up our experiment we want you to make a prediction. Do you think we can change the colour of flowers? Leave a comment to let us know what your prediction is.

Example prediction – I think that we can/can’t change the colour of flowers because _______________________________________________________.

Now, that we have made our prediction, it’s time to set up our experiment.

We need:

1.Food colour – Liquid or you can mix water to make them liquid.

2. A container.

3. Water

4. White flowers (in my case roses but you can try with daises).

what we need for color canging flowers experiment for kids

Step 1: Select a glass container (bottle or test tube or anything of that sort). Now just add few drops of food colour of your choice.

Step 2: Now, pour enough water into the conatiner. This would make a container full of water with food colour.

Step 3: This is an optional step AND AN ADULT ONLY CAN DO THIS!! Cut the stem of the flower with scissors. The cut needs to be in cross of the stem so that the cut part has enough exposed area to absorb water. Just make sure the stem is long enough to go into the container.

Step 4:  Carefully insert the flower in the food colour filled container. Leave for 24 hours and we will check tomorrow if there has been any changes, if any!!

Our experiment should look like this.

flowers in food color

Hope you have a lovely day. Please remember to leave a comment with your prediction.

Myslef and Miss Ryan will be around to answer any questions.

Mr McDowell and Miss Ryan 🙂

Phone: 0161 2246829
50 Hamilton Road,
Manchester, M13 0PE
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