English Home Learning Monday 20th April 2020

Good morning everyone! I hope you had a good Easter and are ready to get back to work. Remember to write a post to let us know how you’re doing and we’ll try and get back to you. Have a lovely day!

Here is some English work for today, it’s all about spelling.











What spelling pattern do you notice?

Each word begins with the prefix ‘inter’ which means ‘between or among’.

Can you work out the definitions? Look below for the answers but try to work out the definitions before you look!

Once you are sure what the word means, write each word in a sentence and make sure it makes sense. Can you write one sentence that included more than one word? Can you use a coordinating conjunction in your sentence – for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so? Can you use a subordinating conjunction in your sentence – as, when , if, that, because, until?


interact – to communicate with or react to others

interfere – to get involved with a situation unnecessarily or without being asked to

intercity – operating or travelling between cities

international – involving two or more nations

intermediate – coming between two things in terms of place, time or character

internet – a global computer network

intergalactic – moving between two galaxies

interrupt – to stop the flow of an action, thought or process

intervene – to take part in something so as to prevent a result of course of event

interlude – a pause or break in an activity


Tomorrow, we’ll practice how to spell the words.

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