Incredible Pets English Home Learning Wednesday 20th May 2020

Good morning Year 4. Did you join in with Joe Wickes this morning? Have you looked at the spelling work from Mrs Pandolfi?

Today, its’ all about incredible pets.


Note: I chose this activity because I first spotted the dog in the picture above. It’s a Boxer dog which is my favourite! Here are some pictures for you to enjoy!

Back to the main activity…

All pets are all incredible! Some are incredible for the way they look. Some are incredible for the things they can do. And some are incredible for the way they behave. Today’s writing is all about capturing the event when one of these much-loved pets carried out something truly incredible.

Read the newspaper report below.

Daring Dachshund Defies Destiny

Yesterday afternoon, Denny the miniature dachshund, defied the odds as he swam across the River Stour and rescued a small toddler that had toppled into the water.

At around 3pm, quick-witted Denny was walking along the river bank at Minster Field when he heard a distant splash and an almighty scream. Looking across the river, he saw the commotion and had to act.

Denny told us, “I didn’t have time to think. Seeing the little one struggling in the water, I knew that he needed me. Without thinking, I jumped in and swam as fast as my legs could take me.” Fortunately, Denny is a dedicated member of the Doggy Paw Paddlers, a local group of avid swimmers, rescuing the little one just in time.

With tragedy averted, Denny has returned to his daily walks along the river bank. However, he hopes lessons have be learned from this terrifying ordeal.

© Jamie Thomas 2020

Can you find these features in the newspaper report?

  • the headline (notice the alliteration)
  • orientation paragraph (opening paragraph that sums up the story you are about to read)
  • the main story
  • the witness report (interview with a person or a dog involved
  • closing statement

What are your favourite phrases?

One of mine is defied the odds (no one thought he would be able to do it).


Tomorrow, we’ll write our own newspaper report about an incredible pet! Here are some pictures we will use to inspire us. You may want to get thinking of something incredible that a pet performed (ready for tomorrow’s activity).

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