World Book Day 2019

This week has been an exciting week, starting off with the book fair. Many people have visited the book fair, so  thank you if you bought a book. This means that we have £50 for each class to spend on new books! The book fair was on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday after school.

Also, there was a trip for some people to LONDON! They went there because of a charity called ‘We.’ It helps people all over the world who don’t have what they need or a voice to make their needs known. Famous people like Prince Harry and many other people were there.

This week, it was World Book Day and people had some fantastic costumes in 5C. Here are a few photos of children who dressed up. Try and guess which book character people are.

There were also World book day activities going on around school. This day reminds us of how great reading is and how lucky we are to have so many amazing books to choose from.

That’s all for this week, more news next week!

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