Home Learning Monday 18th May 2020 – Science 2

Hello Year 5. How are you? Remember to take a look at the post Science 1 where there is an activity about pole vaulting (a sport I have never dared try).

Can you define the word friction?

Let’s learn about a type of friction called air resistance. Watch the video to get you started.

Introduction to air resistance – BBC Bitesize

Now, here’s a link to a video from my favourite scientsits, Crash Course for Kids. We’ll consider the question, why do things fall at different speeds to earth?

Before you watch, here’s something to think about: Imagine you drop a feather and a hammer at the same time. (Don’t try this at home!)  What would happen? Which would reach the ground first? Why? Is it ever possible for the feather and the hammer to fall to the ground at the same time? Explain.

Crash course – falling objects

Why does a feather fall to the ground more slowly than a hammer?

What is air resistance? Can you say or write your own definition?


Why don’t you carry out the experiment that the presenter suggested (not the trip to the moon!)?

Take two pieces of paper, one flat and one screwed up into a ball.

Before you drop the pieces of paper, consider which piece of paper will land on the ground first. Explain your thinking. Try to use the phrase air resistance in your explanation.

Drop the two pieces of paper at the same time. Which piece of paper lands first? Explain. Why did the flat piece of paper land quickly or slowly? Why did the screwed up piece of paper land quickly or slowly? In which direction does air resistance work when the paper falls?

As you finish, make sure that you can explain to someone else what is air resistance OR record your definition on paper.

Post a comment to let us know how you did and what you found out. Have a lovely day.

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