Home Learning – Science – Monday 4th May 2020

Good morning everyone. How are you? We hope you are all well. It’s Science time. You may want to complete these activities today or spread them out over the week.

Last week, we learned about gravity. What can you remember?

The website below has more information about gravity.

NASA Science – gravity

Read the text below. Can you fill in the gaps or choose the correct word? (Answers are at the bottom of the page.)


Gravity is a _____ that acts between objects. On Earth, gravity pulls/pushes objects (including people) towards/away the Earth. As well as keeping us grounded, gravity is responsible for keeping ______ in orbit around the Sun.

You might have seen astronauts on the Moon leaping much higher and further than they could on Earth – this is because there is _______ on the Moon, but the force pulling them back to the ground is not as ______ as it is on Earth.

The larger something is the stronger the gravitational _____, which is why the Earth has a stronger pull than the Moon.


Let’s take some time to think what life would be like without gravity.

There are some people who have experienced life with little or no gravity, astronauts. Take a look at an astronaut floating free in space. Notice how there is no sound!

Astronaut floats free in space

Would you like to float free in space? Explain.

Here are a couple of videos of astronauts on board a space craft that you might enjoy. The second one is my particular favourite! Tell us what you think in a post!

Watch astronauts enjoy pizza in zero gravity

How to wash your hair in space


Discuss the following questions with someone in your house or write down your answers.

What would be easier without gravity?

What would be harder without gravity?

How might life without gravity change life on Earth?


On the moon, astronauts wear heavy boots. Why? Choose the correct answer from below. (Answers are at the bottom of the page.)

There is no gravity on the Moon.
People are weightless on the Moon.
The boots will stop the astronauts floating away.
They weigh very much less than on Earth.
The boots will stop the astronauts making huge bounces.
The Moon’s gravity is very much less than the Earth’s gravity.


Here are three key facts about gravity for you to remember.

Gravity has three key results.

  1. Things fall.
  2. Things have weight.
  3. Things stay in place.


What is gravity – answers


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