Miss Weir’s group. Wednesday 3rd June 2020.

Good morning everyone, I hope you are all okay.


Today’s home learning for English is using co ordinating conjunctions.( remember conjunctions join two sentences together.) The conjunctions you will be using today are, because, if and when.

Click on the link below and watch the video about co ordinating conjunctions and then have a go at the activities.

Activity 1: Read the sentences and try to identify the conjunction used in each sentence.

Activity 2: Click on the the hand icon and then highlight each of the conjunctions by clicking on the word in the sentence.

Activity 3: Using the story from Monday’s lesson, ( watch the video again if you need to) write a list of equipment a monster sitter would need and then write a set of instructions in your home learning book of what they must do.

Co ordinating conjunctions


Today’s home learning for maths is to subtract 2 digit numbers from 2 digit numbers. Click on the video link and scroll down to lesson 3 and watch the video.

Subtract 2 digit video

Lesson 3 Subtract 2-digit numbers (2) 2020




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