Beat the Nation

Beat the Nation!

Below is the link to a Youtube video created by a teacher. He will present you with 3 questions that have been answered by Year 6 pupils across the country. They are multiple choice questions. You will be asked 5 questions:
Can you get each question right?
Which do you think is the worst answered question?
What do you think is the most popular choice of wrong answer for each question?
Can you explain why other students might choose these wrong answers?
How would you help them?

Pause the video when he says and try to answer them yourself. Resume the video and he will then talk you through the answers as well as the ‘silly mistakes’ that were made by a lot of children. Don’t worry if you made these silly mistakes, you will know better for next time.

Comment below to let me know how you got on with these questions.

Mr Barton, the man who has made this video, has his own web page. Click the link below if you would like to find more of the work he has posted.

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