Homework 02.11.18

Your homework for this week is…

SATs Targeted Practice Book pages 40-41. The pages on short and long division.

Maths Reasoning Book pages 20-21. The pages on long division.


Extension: I have set you all tasks on Mathletics linked to what you have been doing in your math sessions.

I have had a look on Mathletics and the top 3 players are all girls!! The number 1 stop goes to someone who has 18,034 points!!!


Don’t forget you also have your science homework to complete where you need to ask your family members about their inherited traits. Who in your family can roll their tongue? Who have you inherited your eye colour from?


Your Science homework is in for Tuesday 6th November and your Maths homework is in for Friday 9th November.

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50 Hamilton Road,
Manchester, M13 0PE
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