For all pupils the expectation is:
● Green sweatshirt with school logo.
● Plain green sweatshirts or jumpers may also be worn initially if the school logo jumper is not available for you.
● White shirts/polo shirts
● Black trousers (black shorts may be worn in the hot summer months)
● Green checked dress/grey pinafore dress
● Black tights or leggings
● Black shoes or trainers (no high heels or mules which easily slip off, please)
Watches may be worn but must be removed for safety in PE Plain green, white or black head scarves/hijabs may be worn but must be removed for safety in PE (close fitting scarves designed for PE and sport participation may be worn for these lessons)
Please ensure your child comes to school with underwear on.
If you are struggling with providing a school uniform please contact the school office and we will help support you and your child/ren – 0161 224 6829.
More information can be found in our Uniform Policy on our policies page.