Toddler Story Time Wednesday Morning 7th June 2017 9:00am-10:00am

Toddler Story Time will be on 7th June 2017 as usual.

This week our story is This is Bear. It’s a fabulous story and we will have lots of arts and crafts linked to this special book.

Increase your toddler’s attention span and communication and language development and join us!

Young children can be restless and wiggle and squirm after just a few minutes of trying to sit in the same place. One of the best ways  help children to learn to sit quietly for a longer period of time is with an entertaining book. This is the basis of our story session. Hearing a story can be an interactive event so during our group reading time we may ask the children to join in with the story, point to an image or turn the page for the teacher.  Over the weeks, children who have attended regularly sit quietly now and listen, but there may be times when they can share an idea or respond to what is being read too. Also, we can easily tailor the length of the book to the child’s ability to sit so bring your toddler no matter what their age. It’s open to all families of St Agnes’ .

Arts and Activities

We have lots of crafts and arts or activities based on our story to help the children make links with the story they have heard and develop their thinking and engagement skills. We sing and dance during rhyme time and then have a snack during session, to get us used to tasting different textures ready for when we start our school life in the Nursery and this is all completely FREE!

Please see Ms Lynton if you would like your toddler to attend the session or just turn up at the Small Hall on Wednesday the 7th June to join the group!


Phone: 0161 2246829
50 Hamilton Road,
Manchester, M13 0PE
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