Reception Home Learning: Monday 8th June 2020

Good morning reception! It’s a new week of fun, fantastic learning. Comment below and let us know how you’re feeling today. Have a listen to the song below and choose a feeling from the song if you can’t think of your own.

Who can tell me what day it is?


Wake Up, Shake Up Time

Let’s do our Daily Maths Meeting:

Our new number of the week is: 27

The number that is 1 less than 27 is…

The number that is 1 more than 27 is…

Can you do 27 star jumps?

Can you tell me what the temperature is? Is it warmer or cooler than yesterday?


Let’s start with our Rainbow Pattern Tracing Activity:

Who can remember the story we have been learning over the past week? Can you tell me the title?

Have another listen to the story to recall what happens?

If you had your very own rocket what would you take with you?


In today’s lesson we will continue looking at multi-syllable words:

Can you complete these 2 worksheets from your pack?


Let’s begin with a warm up counting song:

Today we will be looking at using the part-whole method to complete our number sentences.

Can you draw the correct number of dots to complete the number sentences and make number bonds to 10?

Relax and Unwind

Note to parents:

Keep in touch and if you’re happy to share photographs of your child’s work with us – please send them to

Mrs Chowdhury, Mrs McCutcheon and Mrs Smith.

Phone: 0161 2246829
50 Hamilton Road,
Manchester, M13 0PE
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