Daily Challenge – PE and Maths DAY 2

The aim of today’s challenge is to:
(Physical) Complete a random work out mixing number of reps and activities.
(Mathematical) Calculate the multiples of random numbers 1 to 6 and introduce to the chances of something happening.

The rules are:
Roll two dice (or one twice) multiply the two numbers together
Write the answer in the correct box on the grid provided or your own.
Roll a dice to decide the activity to use.
Complete the workout (number of reps from your calculation and activity selected


1. Choose different numbers in your grids and select using different method (out of hat)
2. Add in your own activities
3. Ask participants what are the chances of something happening (getting a 5 etc.)

Phone: 0161 2246829
50 Hamilton Road,
Manchester, M13 0PE
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