Reception Home Learning: Tuesday 19th May 2020

Good morning Reception! Can  you tell me what day it is?

Wake Up, Shake Up!


Here is the story, in the right order. Did you manage to sequence it correctly?

Can you think of actions to go with each part of the story?


Today’s sound is the er

It’s a digraph (2 letters/1 sound)

Can you find it on the sound mat?

Can you blend and read the words below? Use the pictures to help you.


Let’s begin with a song about doubles.

Have a wander around the house and see what objects you can find to make doubles. For example, if you find 1 spoon, can you find another spoon?

1 spoon + 1 spoon = 2 spoons (1+1=2)

Can you think of a number sentence for this picture?

Relax and unwind

Note to parents:

Keep in touch and if you’re happy to share photographs of your child’s work with us – please send them to

Mrs Chowdhury, Mrs McCutcheon and Mrs Smith.


Phone: 0161 2246829
50 Hamilton Road,
Manchester, M13 0PE
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