St Agnes’ Peace Mala Ambassadors share their hope for Peace with Manchester Church of England Schools

Annual Diocesan Schools’ Conference 2017


On Friday 28th April, we had the honour of running a Peace Mala Stall at the Manchester Diocesan Conference  in Bolton. The conference is attended by all schools in Manchester and the children were extremely excited at the prospect of sharing the Peace Mala’s hope for Global Peace and Tolerance. The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Life in all its fullness’ with guest speakers  Revd Nigel Genders, fits perfectly with the values and ethos of the teaching of Peace Mala.

Our Year 5 Peace Mala Ambassadors Tawa, Zaki, Sana, Minahil, Riyad and Naseeha were all asked to give a presentation about the Peace Mala and what it had taught them. A Peace Mala is a double rainbow symbolic bracelet(representing each of the 14 faiths of the world) to promote friendship, respect and peace between the faiths and all people in our world. It cuts through all forms of prejudice and celebrates what makes us different from each other. The children gave an amazing presentation to over 200 Headteachers and RE leaders, speaking about their hope for Global Peace in the future and we had a lot of interest in our stall at the event as a result. Ms Rose was particularly proud of how confident the children were when they were explaining the Peace Mala and what their role is in the school, to the various teachers from other schools across the city.

This is all work towards our Peace Mala Accreditation that we are working towards this year. If you would like more information on the Peace Mala please click on the link below.

The Peace Mala focuses on the Golden Rule: “Treat others as you would wish them to treat you”. We believe this is a vision for the future. Wearing a Peace Mala is a promise to help create a better world. Our children are perfect representatives of what Global Citizens of the Future will look like and this is why we promote the Peace Mala within our teaching.

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