Times Table Rockstars Record Comeptition

Times Tables Rockstars — William Harding School

Good afternoon everyone 🙂

Hope you are all well and excited for the weekend!

Thank you to everyone who took part again this week in attempting to beat the current record, which was set last week by Minahil (4T). Minahil had a score 35 correct answers and a speed of 1.71 seconds per question.

This week we have had many attempts to beat the current record and I thank you all for getting involved. We have had some incredible scores submitted and you should all be very proud.

Today, I can announce that we do indeed have a new record holder in our school. Scoring an amazing 42 correct answers in a minute, with a speed of 1.43 seconds per question, our new record holder is…

Nabil (6T)

Well done Nabil. Fantastic score and you have certainly set the bar high for the rest of us! Your certificate is on its way to confirm your record. Miss Brown will be delighted that she now has the bragging rights amongst the teachers  of having a record holder in her class!

In second place, Saima (3T) with an unbelievable score of 41 questions correct and a speed of 1.46 seconds per question. So close! Well done.

In third place, Aayaan R (5C) with an amazing score of 40 questions correct and a speed of 1.5 seconds per question. Well done.

Who thinks they can beat Nabil? If you think you can, then get on Times Tables Rockstars and rock it out!

Remember, records are there to be beaten!

Leave a comment Nabil and let us know how it feels to be the new record holder!

Until next week…take care everyone!

Mr McDowell 🙂


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