Home learning Year 5 –Wednesday 1st July 2020

Good morning, Year 5 and what a wonderful Wednesday it is. Here are the activities that are planned for today.

Health and well being


Find the activity sheet in your home learning pack titled ‘Clue- dough cake’ and complete the sheet. For those of you who do not have the pack, click on the link below and answer the questions in your book.

Wed Clue-Dough-Cake-Activities-Worksheet

Click on the link below. to watch the video to support your learning. Scroll down to Summer week 3, 4th May, ‘Clue- dough cake’. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-5/

Miss Miah and Miss Khatun’s maths group, complete the maths activity on Miss Weir’s post.


Find  the 500 word writing competition, that was posted on Monday’s class page and have a go at entering it. Just follow the link that was provided. Good luck.

In your home learning pack, find the sheet titled ‘Jigsaw addicts’. Read the short text and answer the grammar and punctuation questions underneath.

Miss Miah and Miss Khatun’s English group, complete the English activity on Miss Weir’s post.


In your home learning pack, find the art activity and using a sharp pencil, carefully follow the pattern. Try not to use a rubber. For those of you that do not have your pack, click on the link below and try to copy it onto a plain piece of paper or in your book.

Drawing Texture Art Activity Sheet


Continue learning your spellings for this week. Choose five words from your list and write down their definitions and create five effective sentences.

Enjoy and remember, if you need help, leave a comment on the class page website.


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