Thursday 26th March 2020 Art of the Air-raid shelters Part 1

In WW2, underground stations were used as emergency air-raid shelters.

Take a look at these photographs taken at the time.

What impression of life in the air-raid shelter do they give you?

What have people done to make them more comfortable?

How do the people feel who are sheltering? How do you know?

Image result for underground air raid shelters ww2

Image result for underground air raid shelters ww2

Image result for underground air raid shelters ww2

Image result for underground air raid shelters ww2

What time of year do you think this photograph of an underground air-raid shelter was taken?

Image result for underground air raid shelters ww2 christmas

Do you think these photographs, which are primary sources, are a reliable source of evidence? Remember, your answer can be Yes, No or a bit of both.

Please type your answer in the comments box so we can share your opinions with others in Year 6.

Tomorrow, we will look at an artists representation of life in the underground air-raid shelters.

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