Home Learning 29.11.19

Homework text on notepad and colorful pencils

Maths: Miss Brown’s Maths group have their division and multiplication problems to solve.
Mrs Crowhurst’s group will be being set some today.

English: Home Learning Pack…Reading… Resource 7… Comprehension… A Little Princess. read the extract and answer the questions. This extract is from a ‘Classic’ book. We have a copy on our shelf and there is also a film adaptation if you want to know more. It is one of my favourite books.

Spellings: Root words and their families.
suggest, digest, congestion, gesture, gestation, lightning, daylight, enlighten, twilight, limelight.

Mathletics: You have tasks set. Can any of you try and beat Tauhidul’s score!

Homework is to be handed in on Wednesday 4th December 2019

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